SAMdisk — view

The view command displays the sector contents from a drive or image.

The output is shown as a hex dump (16 bytes per line) with the ASCII equivalent.

View Floppy

To display the boot sector of a DOS floppy disk:

SAMdisk view a: -c0 -h0 -s1

View Image

To view all sectors on cyl 0 head 0 of a disk image, including all inter-sector gaps:

SAMdisk view image.dsk -c0 -h0 --all-gaps

To view a full disk image as a hex dump (very long output!):

SAMdisk view image.dsk

View Drive

To view the MBR (LBA sector 0) on the first hard disk:

SAMdisk view 0: -s0

Sample output:

LBA Sector 0 (512 bytes):

0000  EB 49 90 D0 BC 00 7C FB 50 07 50 1F FC BE 1B 7C  .I....|.P.P....|
0010  BF 1B 06 50 57 B9 E5 01 F3 A4 CB BD BE 07 B1 04  ...PW...........
0020  38 6E 00 7C 09 75 13 83 C5 10 E2 F4 CD 18 8B F5  8n.|.u..........
0030  83 C6 10 49 74 19 38 2C 74 F6 A0 B5 07 B4 03 02  ...It.8,t.......
0040  FF 00 00 20 01 00 00 00 00 02 80 FA 80 CA 80 EA  ... ............
0050  54 7C 00 00 31 C0 8E D8 8E D0 BC 00 20 FB A0 40  T|..1....... ..@
0060  7C 3C FF 74 02 88 C2 52 BE 8A 7D E8 44 01 F6 C2  |&.t...R..}.D...
0070  80 74 55 B4 41 BB AA 55 CD 13 5A 52 72 4A 81 FB  .tU.A..U..ZRrJ..