Simon Owen

Some of my personal projects:


DevBlog — development blog for personal projects
Articles — technical articles
fdrawcmd.sys — floppy filter driver for Windows
SAMdisk — advanced floppy disk image utility
SimCoupe — cross-platform SAM Coupé emulator
DashFix — block problem controllers in OpenVR Dashboard
DirtFix — fix input glitch in DiRT-series games

SAM Coupé

Apple1Emu — Apple 1 emulator for SAM Coupé
GalEmu — Galaksija emulator for SAM Coupé
HakPak — Small SAM Z80 toolkit
SidPlay — Play C64 tunes on SAMs with a SID interface board
OraoEmu — Orao emulator for SAM Coupé
PacEmu — Arcade Pac-Man hardware emulator
Pac-Man — Pac-Man clone, written from scratch
SAMdiskHelper — access helper for BDOS and Pro-DOS disks
SAM Timings — SAM Z80 Instruction Timings
Space Invaders — Port of Arcade Space Invaders
TurboMON — Powerful Z80 monitor and toolkit
Vic20Emu — VIC-20 emulator for SAM Coupé

Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Augmentinel — An augmented version of The Sentinel
LensKey — A Lenslok™ emulator for Windows
PacEmuZX — Arcade Pac-Man hardware emulator
TileMap — Playable game maps for selected Spectrum games
Vic20Emu — VIC-20 emulator for Spectrum
Your Sinclair — Programs written for the Spectrum magazine


Skool Daze — Ancient primary school photos
Newcastle Uni- A trip back to familiar haunts at Uni
ORSAM 2004 — Photos from the Sinclair/SAM show